Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Call of Citizenship: Video Game Challenge

Yesterday, we kicked off a new project, and the project teams are already off to an excellent, creative start! In teams of three, students are creating a proposal for a video game, but not just any video game...

It has been researched and argued that some video games lead to violent behavior and other aggressive actions. Violence and crime are growing concerns in our community and world. Are video games adding to the problem? What are other problems we see in the world today? Do video games help or hurt these issues?

Project teams are developing video games that address a current problem in the world. Yesterday, teams starting brainstorming, and they have until Thursday to finalize their proposal and presentation. On Thursday at 5 o' clock, teams will present their proposals to Club 21. These proposals will be filmed and the materials collected. Their proposals will actually be sent to three major video game companies, and there will also be a panel of judges (ranging from video game players to teachers) who will select a winning team. This team will get a private pizza party when we come back from Thanksgiving break!

Check out more information about our video game challenge below.

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