Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween! Goodbye Hurricane Sandy!

Happy Halloween! We’re very happy to be back in school and hope you did not struggle through Hurricane Sandy.

Tomorrow is the Halloween Frolic at RM Bacon School. It starts at 6:30 pm, and we will not be holding Club 21 in order to give students time to get ready and come back to school for a fun-filled evening.
On Friday, we are taking a trip to Holly Heights School for Rizzo’s Reptile Discovery Program. Permission slips must be turned in by the time we board the bus Friday afternoon.

Please, consider signing up for Remind 101. This program will allow us to send updates via text/ email. For example, if we need to cancel Club 21 due to snow, we can let you know immediately by text or email. Here are the one-step directions for signing up:

Directions for signing up for Club 21 notifications via text or email
We also ask that you update your contact information as it changes. Many of the phone numbers provided may not be current, and it is very important that we are able to contact you in case of emergency.

Looking ahead, there are several days Club 21 will not be held in November and December. Here is the current list:

1 NO CLUB 21: Halloween Frolic
8-9 NO CLUB 21- No School: NJEA Convention
16, 19-20 NO CLUB 21- Half Day: Parent Conferences
21 NO CLUB 21- Half Day: Thanksgiving Break
22-23 NO CLUB 21- No School: Thanksgiving Break

11 NO CLUB 21: RM Bacon School’s Holiday Concert
21 NO CLUB 21- Half Day: Winter Break
24-31 NO CLUB 21- No School: Winter Break

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